One of the most common sources of copyright troubles companies and individuals face is from content they’ve acquired. Far too often, content that is offered for acquisition turns out to be infringing.
This leaves the consumer both to clean up the mess of the infringement and leaves them short the resources they spent to acquire the content.
Whenever you receive content, it is important to protect yourself and your interests. One of the best ways to do that is to have someone working for you to help you verify the authenticity of the content you purchase and also develop strategies for handling any issues that may arise if the acquired work is found to be infringing.
Fortunately, CopyByte is able to provide many such services and can help you find peace of mind when dealing with content brought in from outside sources.
CopyByte’s services in this area include.
General Consulting
CopyByte can help you devise and implement a strategy for verifying the authenticity of received works while keeping both the delay, time invested and risk to a minimum. We also provide consulting for companies that are receiving works from users, such as social networking/news sites regarding how to handle cases of alleged infringement and streamline the process. We can also help craft effective terms of service that protect your company’s interests while being both fair and clear to your users.
Plagiarism Analysis
If you are preparing to make a large purchase and wish to verify the authenticity of the work, CopyByte can help. We have performed plagiarism analyses for a variety of functions including on sites with thousands of pages, novel-length works, academic papers and more. We can also perform analyses on a variety of types of content including text, images and video.
All of our analyses are professional, thorough, discreet and implement a mixture of the latest technology and expert human analysis.
Content Location
CopyByte can even help locate content for your purpose including text, images and multimedia works. We can help you navigate the maze of licenses to find content that you can use for your project that is both affordable and of high quality. If needed, we can also assist with licensing negotiations.
Contact Us
If you feel that CopyByte can help you in any way, please contact us and let us know. We will be happy to discuss your situation and find ways that CopyByte can assist you.