CopyByte is proud to offer a variety of copyright and plagiarism-related services targeted at the following groups:
- Content Creators: If you or your company create content, either for sale or free posting on the Web, CopyByte can help you protect your work and help you gain the greatest benefit from it.
- Content Buyers: If you purchase content from third parties, including freelancers and employees, CopyByte can verify the originality of the work to avoid copyright, SEO and other issues.
- Web Hosts: If you host content uploaded by third parties, you have obligations under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other copyright laws. CopyByte can help you meet those obligations and do so efficiently, with minimal effort and expense.
- Schools and Universities: If your school, university or other educational institution needs help in crafting effective plagiarism policies or in educating instructors on how to teach and enforce plagiarism guidelines, CopyByte can help.
- Lawyers & Litigants: Whether it is providing expert witness testimony or performing services, such as filing copyright notices, that can be done more cheaply and effectively outside the firm, CopyByte has a wide array of services to lawyers and their clients.
- Groups and Conferences: Jonathan is a veteran public speaker who has presented on plagiarism and copyright issues at over two dozen conferences. Whether a large crowd or a small group, he can help present the information you need quickly and concisely.
In short, no matter what your copyright or plagiarism needs are, CopyByte has services that can help.